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“Alla Ricerca dell’Aura Perduta”, Galleria Regionale d’Arte Contemporanea Spazzapan, curated by Paolo Toffolutti

Castello di Lajone – International Art Exhibition, Alessandria, Italy, curated by CIY

LICHT, Group Global 3000, Berlin

Some of my works are part of ADA – Archive of Digital Art

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By diegocaglioni

On 20, Jun 2007 | In | By diegocaglioni

Alfabeto Suonato

interactive installation
two computer keyboards, iMac
2007 (restored in 2015)

Playing Alphabet is an interactive installation composed of two computer keyboards. All alphabet letters are used to be heard in the same time, all of them are pronounced by male and female artificial voices. The two users can keep quiet or listen to the letter which they want pushing a button; female voice will be activated using small, and male using uppercase letters. The work was born as a sound game with letters, it could be played trying to pay attention to the other letters heard playing, but it’s also a battle between man and woman and for whom keep quiet the other.

Hear the Sound