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“Alla Ricerca dell’Aura Perduta”, Galleria Regionale d’Arte Contemporanea Spazzapan, curated by Paolo Toffolutti

Castello di Lajone – International Art Exhibition, Alessandria, Italy, curated by CIY

LICHT, Group Global 3000, Berlin

Some of my works are part of ADA – Archive of Digital Art

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Constellations Constellation ( DETAIL Constellations Constellations

By diegocaglioni

On 30, Sep 2015 | In | By diegocaglioni


Photographic series
Ditone-Prints on paper, wood framed
73,6 x 50,3 cm
2015, in-progress

I took these pictures in houses and ateliers of artists, the only light source are electronic devices like iPads, laptops or smartphones.
The camera sensor, taken to the limit, makes some artifacts like dots and small crosses.
These small lights that are living only into the digital eye of the camera, become constellations that surround the galaxy – or the black hole – of the artist.

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